Culture & History South Africa

South Africa is the country of diversity and of many faces. Next to the multi-faceted regional landscapes, it is especially the people that give South Africa a special charm. Today, numerous ethnic groups of different origin and skin colour live in the Republic and present themselves to visitors of their country in an open and cordial way. In South Africa, you have the opportunity to follow the traces of fascinating cultures and traditions of the different South African population groups.

For several years already, South Africa undergoes a historically significant transformation, and since then, the country strives for equality and recognition, for a peaceful coexistence and a way out of poverty. The moving history of South Africa, closely interwoven with discrimination and suffering, has left deep scars in the hearts of the people and in the division of land in the country.
The dark era of apartheid, closely connected to colonisation, deprived Blacks, Coloureds, and Asians of their rights and brought unspeakable injustices, touching every aspect of private and public life. The white minority that initiated apartheid, also allocated certain living spaces to people, refused to grant education and the right to vote and attempted to curb all kind of resistance.
South Africa slowly recovers from this dark chapter of its history and today presents itself as a modern upcoming country whose diversified population was able to keep their traditions and customs alive. The people of South Africa see the world in an open-minded and hospitable way and will give you unique insights in their multiple cultures.